Home(ostasis)coming - A celebration of existence!

I haven’t celebrated a Homecoming or have even thought about one since high school, but here it’s coming up 20+ years later for me in a new way.  I moved across town last month, which has really jazzed up my energy levels, eating and sleeping patterns in a way I need to recalibrate.  Being one that is super particular about the aesthetics and setup of my living environments, it’s been a challenge for me to let go a bit as I let time tell how things are best organized in my new space.  My practice has been finding ease settling into my new home as I also come home within myself to find greater homeostasis.  The Marriam-Webster Dictionary defines homeostasis as:

“a relatively stable state of equilibrium or a tendency toward such a state between the different but interdependent elements or groups of elements of an organism, population, or group”


Homecoming is a celebration of existence within an organization, usually a school or university. 


What if we took time in our lives for Homeostasiscoming?!?  In this time the organization we celebrate is ourselves (Homecoming) and the things we do to celebrate our actions that lead us to more stability and equilibrium (Homeostasis).  While this can, and perhaps, should be a daily celebration, late summer/early fall is a great time to at least do it annually.  During this time, we are coming off summer festivities and could benefit greatly from this realignment practice.

What actions can we take to celebrate this Homeostasiscoming?  Let’s ask ourselves these questions:

·      What does coming “home” mean to you?  Use adjectives.

·      How do you “celebrate” in a way that expresses the adjectives above?

·      What daily or weekly habits are supporting this “celebration” and which are drawing you further from “home”?

This celebration should give us a feeling of deep harmony and not be confused with the other ways that “celebrating” in the common sense can lead us out of harmony...   Think ease.  Think comfort.  Think peace.  Let’s Celebrate in ways that nourish us into that greater state of equilibrium.  Let’s get clear on what will do that for us.

The clarity and peace we will experience by making this a daily, weekly, monthly, or at least annual celebration will realign us with what is most authentic.  It will clear the path for the way we want our life to be and the things we want to put into the world.  The more Homeostasiscoming practices, the more celebration, the more fulfilling life is.

Be honest with yourself on what is giving you those things.   To be honest, this is a constant battle with me, as I still often enjoy many things, (coffee, alcohol, sugar) yet I know they always bring me further from Homeostasiscoming.  Though I also don’t beat myself up for it because that would also bring me further from Homeostasiscoming….

My favorite, and somewhat familiar, Homeostasiscoming practice is Savasana (Corps Pose, at the end of a yoga class).  I’ve studied with many awesome Yoga Teachers, so feel bad that I don’t remember who said this during a Savasana, or the exact words (I was apparently celebrating coming home deeply), but it was something to the extent of:

The body and mind are always looking to come to homeostasis if you just get out of their way.

So, similar of letting things go and dying to ourselves as we do in savasana, perhaps we do the same with certain daily life habits that are unsupportive to celebrate deeper Homeostasiscoming.